2048 the game tips

"2048 the game tips"

So this means that the entire bottom row will be full of tiles bearing high numbers. The strategy described below is just one option and it works very well. By following all of the above, you should have an 80 per cent success rate in the 2048 Game. Piano Tiles Tips and 4 Pics 1 Word Answer Generator Hacks to help you solve your puzzle. It's similar to Threes, but not as constrained. If you want to win the 2048 game. This one reportedly has an 80 per cent success rate. Take this example: Your top row, from left to right, is a 2, 2, 4, and 4. Bring new tiles into the middle area when you can and then you can swipe them to the corners in order to combine. If this happens, do everything you can to raise that tile up to the value of your highest tile. The higher the points, the better you'll fare overall through the game's online leaderboards. As long as you don't know the strategy its a nightmare. The main target of the game is to get the 2048 tile. Candy Crush Life Hack. The board below is much more tidy. Get the tile with the highest value in the bottom left corner To do well in the 2048 Game, you should try and get the tile bearing the highest value, in the bottom left hand corner of your game board. While it is fun to play, winning is even better. The higher numbered cards you end up with on the board, the better the score. Sometimes you have to, but if you have any other move, take it! While you are combining your tiles, be wary of the new tiles being added to the board. Understand how the board moves In 2048 you only have 4 main gestures and they are up, down, left, and right. Keep one column or row going out from your highest value tile still by keeping four tiles stacked there at all times. Combine aggressively downward If you have your tiles tidy as above then you should combine aggressively downward then tidy your tiles back up. Sometimes I start off in the upper left hand corner but see an opportunity to make larger combos by moving the entire board to the bottom left or diagonal. So, a good strategy is to always keep your hiest value tile at one of the corners. If that tile is 32 or less it is an easy fix, and this is sometimes unavoidable. Click Here for some GOOD tips from another player who has successfully beaten 2048 Game. This makes it pretty tricky to get things linked up exactly how you want. How do I align similar numbers in 2048? In 2048, you combine like-numbered tiles numbered with powers of two until you get a tile with the value of 2048. Head on over to to the 2048 strategy page and see all the tips that will show you how to beat the game. How To Play Your key objective to winning this game is to get an eventual tile with the number 2048. If it is the 1024 then you need to raise it, but focus on moving the 1024. These 2048 tips will set you up to achieve 2048 more easily. You have to move your tiles around constantly so that you can get them to match, and when you move, all of your tiles move. If you follow the above rules and play the game a few times You will make 2048 tile easily. The other high value tiles are closest to that corner and the values decrease from there. Work The Corners In order to win the game you should have a specific strategy. Be aware of the board and don't do this. Click here for GOOD tips from a player who has beaten 2048 Game FIVE times. Do not move the goal tile unless you have no other choice. Looking for more on 2048 Strategy? Otherwise, you could run into a situation where a 2 or a 4 card easily becomes surrounded by higher ones - and you won't get a chance to add it to anything. For instance, putting two 2s together will form a 4, two 4s into an 8 and so on. If you see an opportunity to add bigger numbered cards - for instance, 64 into 64 - don't hesitate to do it. Always make moves where multiple tiles merge first If you come across an instance where you can merge multiple stacks of cards at once, take it. Take your time - there's no penalty for thinking your moves through after all. I've found that keeping tiles grouped into the corners works the best. At any point in your game, the tile bearing the highest number on the grid should be positioned at one of the corners. If you swipe left or right, the 2s and the 4s will combine, result in a 4 and an 8. Basically, this is the most important cheat for 2048 Game - keep the highest tile in the corner and do not move it. This 2048 hack is all about how to achieve the 2048 tile by following the simple tips, tricks and strategies as outlined below: TIP 1. Ketchapp's 2048 is a good one, a challenging numbers game where you add tiles together in the hope of reaching the elusive total of 2048. If you focus on the value you need to increase a tile to then you will get a better outcome. With each move, however, you'll need to watch for new 2 cards that drop onto the board. And if you want, let us know what your high score is so far! And then play with only 2 (or 3 sometimes) arrow keys and move the other higher tiles towards the same corner. You should also avoid having your highest tiles to the bottom left. It will occasionally but very rarely work in your favor. This is one of those games where you can easily open up spaces by adding numbers together. This mechanic makes it even trickier to control your tiles, so you have to be extra cautious about the moves you make so you can maintain as much control as possible. At least you can use these to your advantage, adding them together to create new 4 cards and build new possibilities. The starting board looks like this: The game is deceptively simple as the basic mechanics are just moving tiles around, but underneath it is a complex and strategic puzzle game. How do I get a high score in 2048? Once your highest tile value is in the left bottom corner, do not move it. With single moves you're basically replacing a card you stacked with a new one. You should avoid moving your tiles up at all costs. Be sure to let me know in the comments! Tiles out of place like this (64 and above) will cause major issues. As you slide number tiles in all given directions - up, down, left and right - they'll shift depending on the number of open spaces. To make it even more complicated, when you move in one direction, all of the matching tiles will automatically combine. Your tips and tricks for getting a high score in 2048? Tiles on opposite sides of another tile are nearly impossible to get back together without luck. Keep your tiles tidy Keeping your tiles to the lower left is not the only element. Work your way towards the corners Staying in the corners assures you have more of the main game board to bring in new tiles. When you are playing 2048, you should try to keep your tiles in a very specific order. When you combine these tiles, they will become a tile with the number “4” on it. The image above contains an instance where most likely the two sets of 128 were combined without looking at the whole board and realizing that those two tiles need to be together or they are problematic. Instead, focus on combining smaller tiles and worry less about a specific set of tiles. If it is a tile lower than 256 then you can usually fix it. Candy Crush Saga, Piano Tiles and 4 Pics 1 Word then we also have What's The Difference Hack. Stay calm and do not panic To increase your chances, you should not get frustrated if something doesn’t go your way. You'll start out in multiples of 2s and work your way up. The challenge is in positioning. What is the 2048 Game About? This frees up space on the board, with one less tile to worry about. If you really aren't sure what the best move is, re-evaluate where cards are on the board and whether or not you need to change their position before worrying about new cards. If you continue with these 2048 tips and strategy, you will be amazed at how quickly your tiles come together. But of course, luck plays a part too. This is what you want your board to look like. For example, if you match the two tiles bearing the number 2, they will then merge into a single tile bearing the number 4 on it. Make a line of pairs Try and line up more pairs of tiles together and this will help you to make bigger tile combinations with less effort – thus boosting your chances of success at this game. If you can do this, you are on the path to winning. Master this simple strategy and you will soon reach 1024 and even win the 2048 Game! Understand the game objective fully The goal of the 2048 game requires you to create a tile with the number 2048. The overall goal is to get to a 2048 card, but as you might guess, that's a massive task. This board has the highest value tile in one corner. To make sure it is not moved, you have to make the last row always filled by pushing the down arrow so that the use of LEFT and Right Arrow would not move the highest valued tile. It is not as easy as it sounds, but you can master it quickly. Stranding a tile to the left of higher numbered tiles is bad, but fixable. DO NOT MOVE THE GOAL TILE UNLESS YOU HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. That's what you want to do. Gameplay consists of swiping the tiles up, right, down and left, and any tiles that match in the direction and adjacent spot will combine in the direction swiped. You should then save moving your tiles right to accomplish specific goals such as combing tiles so that they can then be moved down. If you do not have one, you will most probaly not reach furthr than 512. When multiple cards can be combined, you're only bringing one new card onto the board but you're getting rid of more than one. Every time you swipe, every tile on the board moves in that position as far as it possibly can. Also If you play Whats The Difference. Check out our tips for Threes! Slow down and think Sometimes it's hard to tell what the absolute best move is, and if we don't make it, that's okay too. The challenge of how to win 2048 game has nothing to do with math. And that's always a good thing. Most people can recognize when two numbers look alike, and all you have to do is combine them. This new 2048 strategy gives an alternative way to achieving that winning tile in the 2048 Game. The 2 that is to the left is not trapped because tiles can be dropped on it and the tiles to the right are fairly low value (32 or less): The biggest problem is when you have tiles out of sync or in two equal piles that are far away from each other like in the image below. Our very own Simon Sage put together a killer guide on Threes! Stay close to the corners Try to stick as closely as possible to the corners – to improve your chances of winning. That being said, we have found that we are most successful when we use the corner strategy. But the main challenge is that you can only use the tiles that are available to you. That is unless you put another higher numbered tile on top of it. The last thing you want is to be overfilling your game board with more and more unnecessary tiles. Something like playing chess. When you match two number tiles together, they will both merge and the resulting number will become the sum of the two tiles that have been matched. This will increase your chances of success. Look out for where the next tiles will be coming from Think carefully about where the next few tiles are likely to be coming from and how to match these together. To avoid this, we recommend limiting the movement on one side of your board. At the same time, you are supposed to create this 2048 tile by combining as few tiles as possible, and without cluttering up your entire game board – to boost your score. This will free up spaces and allow you to move certain cards around so you can combine them. Employing these tactics will help you win and allow you to get further even when the random nature of the game works against you. Try to make sure you have your bottom row full before moving to the right. Simply put, the objective of the 2048 Game, which is free to download on the Apple and Android App Stores, is to create a tile – bearing the number “2048. You want the value of the tiles to decrease as you move away from that corner. How to make the highest valued tile in the left bottom corner and not to move it? Use only two directions (as much as possible) The tiles can be moved in 4 directions. They'll almost always meet up at some point, or you end up making a tile that ends up right next to it. The rules of the game are simple. It was originally created as a free browser game — play 2048 for free. Here are some tips and cheats on how to work your way up to a better score each and every time in 2048! Once your board is set up, you can make a few smooth moves to combine multiple tiles. Focus on your goal: 2048 This tip sounds a bit vague, but make sure you take stock of the board periodically. Click here for GOOD tips from a player who has Beaten 2048 Game FIVE times. If you want to get to the mythical 2048 tile, you'll have to think strategically and plan your moves carefully. Click Here for my original tips on how to beat the 2048 Game. If you have a relatively full board and you trap a 2 in the lower left, then move higher tiles over it then it can be very difficult to fix. Even if you get a little mixed up along the way, focus on keeping your highest value tile in one corner. Always try to keep the high valued blocks in the bottom row and try to arrange the scores on the block in the descending order from Left to right (last row) and then right to left in the second last row in the pattern as shown in the image below: TIP 3. This is not a timed game, so you should not be in a hurry to play. Moving your tiles up when you do not absolutely have to will cause endless headaches. This can be really hard if it is a very high tile. Make sure the goal is always the biggest tile and tiles in the path must be in decreasing order. You are trying to get the 2048 tile. Never move your tiles up! When you can, be sure to add smaller numbered cards. Here are some tips and tricks on getting that winning number. Avoid this at all costs using the next tip! Warning: This is How I play the game and I can make 2048 tile every time I play this. You'll slide numbers across a board and eventually add up similar numbered tiles to create new ones. This almost always puts you in a worse position than a better one. Never use the “up” arrow key Do not touch the “up” arrow key when you are playing the 2048 Game because more often than not, this will destroy your game and probably cause you to lose out. Everything you need to know about 2048 Strategy If you break it down, you need to grow a lot of tiles, and once you get a 1024 tile, you have to do it all over again. This means you should not have a board like this: The 128 to the lower left will cause problems. Working in the corners makes a shift in strategy a lot easier. So just stay calm and give yourself a chance to think. Once you know that, its pretty easy and I bet you can make 2048 tile every time you play a game. Many smartphone users have been downloading this game. Also, try to predict where new blocks might come in and how you could deploy them. If multiple cards can combine at once, they will do so. Preferably, they should be the other biggest tiles. After achieving the above pattern it will be just too easy to get the 2048 tile by merging the 8 and 8 tiles to get 16, 16 and 16 tiles to get 32 and go on until you get the 2048 tile by merging the 1024 and 1024 tile. The higher the numbers get, the more you increase your score. Bring other higher numbered tiles to the bottom row Try and bring the other higher numbered tiles in the bottom row of your grid. If you swipe up and then right on the board above, you will have combined a whole column of tiles. To make sure your highest valued tile in the corner is not moved, you have to make the last row always filled by pushing the down arrow so that the use of LEFT and Right Arrow would not move the highest valued tile. If you have to move your tiles up, then everything after that is damage control. Keep Your Tiles In Order. This 2048 game strategy can be broken down into a few key elements: Use only two directions (as much as possible) Never move your tiles up Keep your tiles tidy Focus on your goal Aggressively combine downward and horizontally as needed I go into detail into these processes below, and include some nifty tips to push your game even further. Here are some tips and strategy on how to beat the 2048 game. They are up, right, down and left. Here are some tips to help get you started. I cover trapped tiles issues below. How to work the board and plan your moves to achieve your best score in 2048 yet! If you play 2048 regularly on your iPhone or iPad, what tips or tricks can you share? The more spaces you keep open on the board, the better flexibility you have when bringing in new cards and getting them where you want. If you make rash moves because you are overly eager to get that 2048 tile, you will end up losing and the board will be completely choked up before you know it. All the Best Guys. You must keep on combining tiles to get that elusive “2048” tile – but at the same time, prevent the board from being chocked up with tiles. Move the next tiles to path in DECREASING ORDER ONLY. Add as many cards as possible to get bigger numbered cards, like 256 and 1024. Mashing arrow keys or swiping like mad on your phone is easy to do, and you are allowed a certain amount of success without much thought. When there are no more moves left and the board is full, the game is over. Sometimes you will get caught up in the action of combining the tiles and you will lose the forest for the trees. Instead, simply stay calm and strategize. Once you have placed your highest tile value is in the right bottom corner, do not move it. The key is to watch out for open spaces. Move the first tile to the goal position and keep adding remaining tiles to this. Make sure the last row is always full Always ensure that the last row in your 2048 Game is filled with tiles. What happens if I'm unable to move a number on the board in 2048? This one reportedly has an rate. How do I play 2048? Your highest value tile should be in one of the corners. Since your board is in order you will continuously build up higher value tiles and move them closer to your chosen corner. Plan ahead This somewhat goes along with my first tip, but seriously, plan ahead. If you see a series of 4s and 2s, for example, go ahead and combine them. That's not a good idea. Take a look at the board above. Do this by pushing the down arrow – so that the usage of the left and right arrows will not affect the movement of this particular tile at all. Occasionally you will have to move right and a 2 or 4 may appear to the left of your highest tile (since it should your lower left). What does that mean? Start up a game then keep this one in mind. Look at everything you have on the board and what bringing a 2 or 4 card in will do to change it. This guide will help you win! You have a matching set of 2 and a matching set of 4. In order to stop the highest value tile to leave "the king's place", try to pack tiles around it. You can move your tiles down and left with essentially no risk. Perhaps you see a match right now but bringing a 2 down on the other side would create multiple matches in one move. This will help to improve your scores and get tiles that bear larger numbers. Just chooose one corner and direct all your tiles there. You just need to match number tiles in the four directions as specified by your arrow keys (left, right, top and bottom). Every time you make a move a new tile (2 or 4) will appear at random empty position. Make Smooth Moves to Combine Many Tiles at Once. This will keep the tiles in the lower left of the screen. Do not use the up arrow key unless you have no moves left except that. This means you will only be able to swipe in three directions. Now that you have another 32 on the board, you can easily combine it with the existing 32 and make a 64 tile. None of the tiles on the board above are poised for a match just yet, but you can make them adjacent to other tiles of the same value fairly easily using these 2048 tips. You also may create unexpected additions, such as two 16s that you forgot about on top that suddenly merge into a 32 card. If you like 2048, why not check out the game that "inspired" it, Threes! Move all the other tiles to this same corner Once you have gotten your highest numbered tile at the bottom left corner of the board, make sure that you try and get all of the other tiles in your 2048 Game in this particular corner too. Don't chase large tiles Sometimes it's really hard to resist temptation and chase larger numbered tiles across the board in order to combine them. Keep this in mind and understand how moves work before swiping a tile that may or may not end up where you thought it would. After the success of the browser version, a mobile version was developed by Ketchapp It’s available for all iOS and Android devices, so if you want to play 2048 on your mobile device head here to Download 2048!

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