Calculator android studio tutorial

"Calculator android studio tutorial"

These templates automatically create an Activity and the necessary XML files. I tried to split up the building of the string into smaller chunks in order to improve readability. In this tutorial, we're going to choose the New Project option. The Preview pane also lets you change the language used in the live layout to make it easy to preview a layout in different languages. Clicking the Text tab brings up the editor, allowing you to make changes to the currently selected layout. Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA, an IDE that also offers a good Android development environment. You're now ready to create your first Android application using Android Studio. Finally, click Finish and give Android Studio a minute to setup your project. By default, Android Studio sets the last element of the project's package name to the name of the module, but you can change it to whatever you want. In the tutorial I do not go into specific detail about the code I am writing besides a basic background of the new android parts. Uncheck it since we won't be using this feature in our example. Project Setup Before you start exploring Android Studio, you'll first need to download and install it. The layout for the app Open the activity_main. Remember the "Golden Rule" of programming. Android Studio's includes Android Lint. This is a great way to quickly get up to speed with an existing project. Reuse code and don't try to reinvent the wheel! The rightmost menu lets you change the API version. As you can see in manifest file below, the LoginActivity class has its own activity node. You can see where I blanked out the old code and put in the new above. The nice thing about Android Lint is that it gives you a reason for the warning or error, which makes it easier to fix or resolve. Take a look at the screenshot below to get a better idea of this neat feature. You can optionally set the Hierarchical Parent of the new Activity. Android Studio will convert the Eclipse project to an Android Studio project, adding the necessary configuration files for you. This will show you a list of options to configure your new project. That's how easy it is to run an application in the Android Emulator. Let me show you how to create a new Activity based on the Login Activity template. This means that we've successfully replaced the blank Activity class with the newly created LoginActivity class. Listed below is the xml code for the layout. When you're just getting started with Android Studio, it can be very helpful to use an Android app template. The preferred way to create an Android Virtual Device is through the AVD Manager. You can, for example, create a variation of the XML layout you're currently working on by selecting an option from the first menu in the Preview pane. Since we'll be starting with a blank Activity class, you can click Next to proceed to the next step in the setup process in which you're asked to name the Activity class, the main layout, and the fragment layout. I - About Android Tutorials I’ll be creating a big number of Android tutorials, showing you how to use nice libraries, UI, tips, and more. As you can see in the above screenshot, I've named my application HelloWorld and set the module name to HelloWorld. Any changes you make to the XML layout will be reflected in the preview on the right. With the Android Emulator up and running, it's time to launch your application by selecting Run 'helloworld' from the Run menu. See the highlighted text for reference and feel free to copy and paste it into your project. Rich Layout Editor Android Studio has a rich layout editor in which you can drag and drop user interface components. Android Studio creates the necessary files and folders for you. Unlike the outer LinearLayout, this is aligned horizontally. If you're unfamiliar with IntelliJ IDEA, you may be wondering what a module is. Calculator design Listing 5. With Android Studio, you can create a template when you create a new Activity. This will let you navigate back if you tap the device's back button. There are already tests created by the New Project Wizard. If you want to speed things up even more, try using an Android app template from Envato Market. StringBuilders are used instead of strings because they are more efficient when you are constantly changing values. You can also tell Android Studio to create an Activity class and a custom launch icon for you, and whether the project supports GridLayout, Fragments, a Navigation Drawer, or an Action Bar. I hope this updated code is useful to you and I hope you enjoyed this answer. It can detect potential bugs and other problems in your code that are the compiler may overlook. The next step is to set up the new Activity in the manifest file so it's used as the main Activity when the application launches. We required a single layout. In this part, I will show you how to create a new repository at Android Studio on Windows OS. This also applies to the following app. All in Package radio box is selected. In this part of the layout, you can define the alignment of individual widgets. Give the new layout a name, set its root element, and click OK. You will see two packages with the same name com. Android Studio then shows you a list of templates, such as Blank Activity , Fullscreen Activity. After watching many other Android tutorials however, I realized this is how many of the tutorial videos handle the JAVA knowledge. Viewing your application's user interface is much faster using live layouts. In this tutorial I will guide you through downloading all the necessary software, designing the layout of the application, coding the application to make it work properly, and finally how to run the application on an Android Virtual Device. As I mentioned in my layout tutorial, it is often a good idea to sketch out what you want beforehand, because it is much easier to make changes on paper and make the XML once. I’ll be using Android Studio and Gradle in all tutorials. When you launch Android Studio for the first time, you should be presented with a welcome screen, offering you a number of choices to get you started. By choosing Check out from Version Control. Using a webview instead of a TextView gives us extra formatting options, and also allows us to leverage the power of JavaScript. We need to include special support libraries and we can give any desired name to the app. We have created an app project and a test configuration. Knowledge Requirements: While creating the tutorial I assumed that the viewer already has a good understand of the JAVA language. Live Layout Android Studio's live layout feature lets you preview your application's user interface without the need to run it on a device or the emulator. However, you can choose Import Project if you'd like to import a project from, for example, Eclipse, into Android Studio. A module is a discrete unit of functionality that can be compiled, run, tested, and debugged independently. Android Studio will automatically open the layout in the editor on the right. Adding the TableLayout The TableLayout has 2 TableRow widgets. This tutorial is a great way to see how a simple application can be so useful. To run the lint tool, select Inspect Code… from the Analyze menu in Android Studio to start the process. In this part of the layout, you can define the alignment of individual widgets. The Layout This layout could admittedly be improved upon. When Android Studio has finished inspect your project, it will present you with the results at the bottom of the window. If you select Open Project from the list of options, you can open projects created with either Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA. You can find over a thousand of them for sale on Envato Market: 1. One more LinearLayout containing a button widget is embedded in the LinearLayout. Unlike the outer LinearLayout, this is aligned horizontally. We first need a layout to work with. View test results You will see a lot of green colour in the Run tool window. You will see app and Test in `com. If you're running OS X, mount the disk image by double-clicking it and drag Android Studio to your Applications folder. Take a look at the next screenshot to see what your settings should look like. The fourth menu in the Preview pane gives you easy access to the Activity or fragment in which the layout is used. The below screenshot, for example, tells us that the LinearLayout in this layout is of no use. The third menu lets you change the orientation of the device shown in the Preview pane, which makes it easy to see how a layout looks in different orientations and using different themes. To work with live layouts, double-click the XML layout file and select the Text tab at the bottom of the workspace. Our string will just be a bunch of math that we want to compute, and JavaScript will handle all the work for us. If any questions arise during the 10 part video series, make sure to go to the final step in order to find my contact information that will allow me to personally address your question to provide you with a solution in a timely manor. There are a number of other advantages of the live layout feature that are worth pointing out. The example shows a possible solution. This layout uses a combination of linear layouts, whereas a table layout could also be suited. If you're on Windows, launch the. The result is that the application will now use the LoginActivity class as its main Activity. If your AVD is set up correctly, the Android Emulator should launch as shown in the screenshot below. This makes the listener code fairly simple. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a new Android project and take advantage of the features that Android Studio has to offer. It is placed below the end of the TableLayout. Stays the same just be wary of package names here as this one may differ to yours now if you used the previous code. Select a blank activity. In this tutorial, we're going to create a simple application to show you some of Android Studio's most important features. It is placed below the end of the TableLayout. Android Studio performs a number of other checks as well. This makes running and testing applications on a wide range of devices much easier. To add a widget to the layout, drag it from the list of widgets on the left to the layout on the right. Click OK to create your first AVD. The elements to be provided in the selection menu can be defined in a TAG array in the strings. Right-click on that one. The Secret So know we have a bunch of buttons that we can use to have the user add input, but how do we actually crunch the numbers? You can also set the navigation type, which we'll leave at None for this project. You can, for example, create separate views for portrait and landscape and Android Studio will create the necessary folders and files for you. Perhaps you want to build your own more advanced calculator. Note that in addition to Android Lint. It will have the following functionality: division, multiplication, subtraction, addition, decimal place, decimal calculations, backspace button and a cancel but Introduction While creating the tutorial I assumed that the viewer already has a good understand of the Java language. I assume you already know For this tutorial you will need to have Android Studio installed and know how to run an app. Modules contain source code, build scripts, and everything else required for their specific task. Android Studio Tutorial - 08 - Respond to Button Click Events · 43 22 Repeat youtube Android Tutorial Make Android Calculator App Video How To Create A Calculator In Android Shashank Ku. Write tests for basic UI interactions in activity. With an Android Virtual Device, you can specify the hardware and software the Android Emulator needs to emulate. If you're development environment is set up correctly, the Android Virtual Device Manager should look similar to the screenshot below. It will now divide, multiply, subtract and add decimal values and also output a decimal answer for you. You can also select Image Asset from the menu, which will launch a wizard that guides you through the creation process. Such as figure below. The app shows a greeting message. You need to provide an image. Finally, select your device or emulator in the next dialog and it will run the tests. Create test configuration and run tests We need to create a test configuration the first time we run the tests. Often, multiple solutions are available to create a layout. Conclusion In this tutorial, we've taken a brief look at some of the key features of Android Studio. As you can see, it can get pretty difficult to read fairly quickly. The layout is pretty straightforward, a bunch of rows with buttons in them. For most of the buttons, what we want to append to the string is exactly what the button is displaying. Enabling JavaScript for the WebView It is important to note that the WebView by default does not have javascript enabled. I’m creating this tutorial because it’ll be a requirement for some new posts about image processing with Android. We will leave this field empty. Individual blocks contain embedded layout and widgets. Clicking the Design tab brings up another editor that shows you a preview of the layout. The focus of this tutorial is about bringing together all of the pieces rather than creating a beautiful looking program, so we really just want something functional. If all went well, you should see a new Activity and Layout in your project. Select the Login Activity option from the list of Activity templates to fire up the wizard. Additional elements of the layout can be added depending on the app structure shown at the beginning. In this tutorial we will learn how to: Create a new project in Android Studio. Android Virtual Devices An Android Virtual Device or AVD is an emulator configuration, allowing you to model an Android device. Write down commit message, then choose commit. Lint Tools Testing your code is one thing, but it's equally important to apply best practices when writing code. This is how we can switch between running the app and tests. Simply double-click an issue to navigate to the file in which the problem is located. We will use one button listener for all of the buttons. This function creates a simple string of html to display everytime it is called. Switch between App and Test configurations We have created configuration for testing and can now use it any time we want to run our tests. Templates Android Studio provides developers with a number of templates to speed up development. Next, keep default activity name: MainActivity. The other settings are the project's location on your machine, the minimum and target SDK, the SDK your project will be compiled with, and the project's theme. Regretfully, I did not follow my own advice when I wrote this tutorial. The package name is com. The second one will have (androidTest). Note that you need to have JDK 6 or higher installed. We will first create a new project. It's also much easier to maintain a properly structured project. Each TableRow contains 1 TextView and 2 spinners. We won't create a custom icon for this application so you can uncheck the checkbox labeled Create custom launch icon. Create new test configuration and run the tests. As you can see in the above screenshot, I've named the Activity LoginActivity. We have declared a dot and backspace button, added their onclick listeners and added their functionality also. One then searches for the Android design pattern (LinearLayout, TableLayout) and widgets (TextView, ImageView, Spinner, Button) that are best suited for the desired appearance. It means the tests passed successfully. To make your application launch the LoginActivity you created, remove the activity node for the LoginActivity class and replace com. This name will be used in our code later. And then, Setting git tools path for Android Studio. To get us started, choose New Project from the list of options. Adding the dot is like adding the numbers to the display, it’s the same principle. At the bottom of the editor, you should see two tabs, Design and Text. You will see the following settings: app module is selected. I believe there is a way to more fully integrate the JavaScript handler with the Android App, but for the small amount of computation we are doing it is probably not worth it right now. To use your newly created AVD, select it from the list in the AVD manager, and click Start. We did this by declaring op3 and op4, both doubles and modifying the code accordingly when carrying out the operations. Enter Greeter in Application Name and mycompany. You can use these templates to create a basic Android application, which you can then run on a device or in the emulator. To create a new AVD, click New. You can also preview layouts on multiple screen configurations as we saw earlier in this tutorial. When you build and run your application in the emulator, you should see a screen similar to the one shown below. The lint tool will even tell you if you have duplicate images or translations. You can use this tutorial as a starting point. It's good practice to run Android Studio's lint tool from time to time to check your project for potential problems. Click Next to continue setting up your project. If you've successfully completed the above steps, then your development environment should be set up correctly. Because we checked the checkbox Create activity in the previous step, you are asked to configure the Activity class Android Studio will create for you. Enable Version Control Integration(git init) Step 3. Use the code below to enable JavaScript in the WebView. Button Listeners and String Builders The calculator works by storing the user inputs in a String Builder and passing this information to the web view for evaluation. So now we also have to accommodate for decimal numbers as integers will not suffice here. The rich layout editor is very straightforward to use. With respect to the backspace button we used this code: It basically gets the edit texts characters, if it’s greater than 0 we create a new string called newText consisting of String textInBox’s characters minus 1 character and assigns it to the display. It is very similar to IntelliJ IDEA, but it contains a number of important enhancements that make Android development easier, faster, and more enjoyable. Select the Preview tab on the right of the workspace to preview the current layout. The display at the top is actually a WebView. This tutorial is updated for Android Studio version 1. If you select Commit and Push. The second menu in the Preview pane lets you change the size of the device shown in the Preview pane. Right-click on the package name in the project navigator on the left, select New from the menu, and choose Activity from the list of options. We will now gradually add blocks from top to bottom. Building A Simple Calculator Using Android Studio Android tutorial make android calculator app video how to create a calculator in Android Studio Calculator App - This video is about building android app creator tutorial Create android apps without coding. The live layout feature is a powerful tool that will literally save you hours. Click the configuration dropdown menu located next to the run button on the toolbar. You will see the app on your device or emulator. Spinners are selection menus. This will improve performance and the overall stability of your application. 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Roughly said, the layout has 4 blocks that are embedded in a LinearLayout. Not all changes are highlighted as they repeat themselves for different functionality in the code. Next we will write our first test. I'm sure you agree that there's no better name for our project than HelloWorld. With your project set up in Android Studio, it's time to explore some of the key features of Android Studio. Updating the WebView You will notice that the listener calls a function to update the web view. It’s functionality though requires the working out of decimals in our calculations.