Documentary film on mobile phones

"Documentary film on mobile phones"

These devices are in the hands of the many, with the potential for a collaborative and cumulative vision of truth about humanity and life in the 21st century to emerge. Lights Film School offers an all-in-one website solution that not only gives you an elegant and professional online presence, but also equips you with the latest in eCommerce solutions for filmmakers. We also wanted the best image quality on the smaller screens. Even though the cameras on todays phones are pretty good, we were worried that we would not get good enough image and sound quality. Even though mobile was the first priority for this project, we could not forget the desktop users entirely. But how on earth would we film vertically? Expecting an aerial raid on the village, the old man leaves his home every day to go to sit under a tree outside the village. I gained confidence and felt that I can go home easily. He said even the army folks didn’t know that his phone had an HD camera and were stunned at the quality when he showed it to them. By organising this first mobile phone film festival in the Middle East, these Syrian artists, taking great personal risks in filming, have pioneered in new formats and experimental storytelling to tell Syrian stories and share them with a global audience. You can watch the film and congratulate him on his win at MFF2014. An interactive documentary project, 24-hours. This first stop tells us a lot about them, their journey, and what they can expect in their new refuge. Moving beyond the user-generated content model, the project will build up a database of location specific documentary material and aim to create a new system for collaborative documentary production and user-curated content. Major devastation occurred at Kedarnath and Gangotri. Easy for Multi camera setup. We found a lot of inspiration from the entries at the Vertical Film Festival (VFF) (yes, this is a thing). Correctly placed in the image composition, it could create a nice depth in the image. Perhaps some of them even will take their phone out to see how it looks there? Tall buildings, trees, signs and cairns (there are a lot of them in the mountains surrounding Otta) looked really great vertically. We can capture the nuances of the vernacular, regardless of how banal or seemingly unimportant they may seem at the time, for posterity and digital eternity. Once he hears the fighter plane noise, he escapes to one of the caves nearby. A 4K-camera could have been the solution, but we were warned that this would give us very large files to work with. After ten days I was freed, but I had to come back for one day to sign a declaration that I would not attend or film any demonstrations anymore. The still images for the documentary are shot in width. There is blood here, the blood of Congolese who are dying in a terrible conflict. I thought to myself; whatever it costs, I should record the demonstrations on video, otherwise nobody is going to know about them. We showcased his documentary, Himalayan Tsunami in San Diego at the International Mobil Film Festival™ where all films are shot with only mobile phones. Option 3: Turn the camera sideways We ended up turning the camera sideways, and film in a 9:16 aspect. It was extra challenging when people moved. Still every day there are new uploads on YouTube. Five years have passed and we go back to the village where we meet both anger, frustration, joy and the rest of the emotional range. On the road to the launch this Christmas, we found a format that is very fun to experiment with. She encouraged me and supported me to participate in the Mobil Film festival. When you are close and film in height, it does not take much for the motive to disappear out of the frame. Utilising user-generated video captured on mobile phones and available devices, the project is participatory, with the audience contributing documentary videos around the theme of 24-hours in a city. We asked Shiva if he was a filmmaker before this experience. And it was in meeting people what vertical video really stood out. How were we supposed to show the height-format on a wide screen? With this format we came close to the people we interviewed, and could capture more than their face at the same time. It’s got more advantages than a video camera in terms of filming, compatibility with formats, portable and supportive tool for people who love to make feature films, music videos and documentaries. It made it possible to get a fairly nice grip. Around the world the mobile phone has become part of the social fabric of 21st century life. It is a web documentary in which everything is adapted to the small screen many refuse to turn sideways. It is no secret we have high hopes for the last option. From a hill behind his house, he started filming the officers. This story begins as Shiva went to visit the Himalayas to write a script for a film. Option 1: Film with our phone The simplest solution would be to use a phone to record with. Shiva guides us through the journey which he endured at first by accident and later by choice. A majority of these clips were filmed by mobile phones. We wanted the content to be at its best on mobile. So, grab some popcorn and have a look through our gallery of great mobile-made clips. Camera phones were used to capture video footage of events that would prove to be a catalyst for change, and online platforms used to circumvent the state controlled traditional media outlets. We considered doing the same with videos, but this meant we had to crop out the left and right side of the picture, which probably would force us to sacrifice image quality. Meanwhile: Sometimes it hurt our photographer heart to film in height. We did this by taping a piece of plastic on the back of the camera, with black borders clearly indicating where the motif needed to be placed to look best on mobile. I faced rough weather and crossed tough terrain to reach base camp. Buttons and ports are harder to reach when the camera is placed askew. I thought that I should film this rescue operation known as operation ‘Surya Hope,’ the largest rescue operation in the history of India. I think nonetheless that many people will wonder what is happening when they see the vertical format on a wide screen. We've found seven superb short films — documentary, action, and even the world's smallest stop-motion movie — that have been shot on cellphones. It's mined in the eastern Congo. Who is your best friend when you need a camera? This situation has been going on for about two years. On the 25th of March 2011, Amro filmed a demonstration and by August that same year, he was a wanted man by the Assad regime. We are talking hours of raw tame, even though we only would use about eight-nine minutes. The moderated discussions are often lively and thought-provoking. The film was submitted to MFF2014 under the Community Stories category and it won our festival’s second place honor. The West’s demand for Coltan, used in mobile phones and computers, is funding the killings in Congo. The story told by a man and his smartphone is well done. We placed a plastic patch in front of the camera screen to make sure the images also looked nice in a vertical mobile friendly format. They found an old handle, a metal plate and some left over scrap metal. Those daily escapes have their own impact on the daily life of this old man. The mobile phone, the internet and social media platforms played a significant role in the revolutions for social and political change in the Arab world, know as the ‘Arab Spring’. Put simply our website template for documentary filmmakers allows you to sell or rent your documentary to your audience and monitor your sales and other important metrics from your administrative panel. Who is your best friend when you need to get across town? It was not before shooting we met the quality and the limitations of the format. Winner of the Short Documentary Award. Richard Vickers and James Field are developing an online participatory documentary project ‘24-hours. Most people, he said, were very cooperative and willing to share their plight with him. This is the story of Britain’s week without electricity, told by those kept filming to the end. It tells a story as it unfolds with the recounts of Shiva Prasad himself during an interview of his experience during the event that unfolds before us. Let us know in the comments which ones you like best. They came searching for him with more than 30 men. Now the festival has closed and the 13 films can be watched online. I had to stop and when they arrested me and brought me to the prison, my mother went crazy and started shouting in front of her house. It is about the message, there is a lot of video material out there. Lights Film School now offers a website template for documentary films and their filmmakers! We were able to include body language, gesticulation, without standing at a distance. If I have the chance, I would still film inside Syria but I fled and now together with my friends, I train young people in video production and how to use a mobile phone for filming. We in the West are the very reason for this problem. One of the people behind the festival is young Syrian filmmaker Amro Kheito, who is also currently working on his upcoming film No Jihad in Here. The West’s demand for Coltan, used in mobile phones and computers, is funding the killings in Congo. Especially on the mountains in beautiful Gudbrandsdalen, it was hard to deliberately not capture the beautiful landscape in, yes, landscape-mode. We wish him the best of luck and yet another wonderful experience making a mobile film documentary. Botello Productions as a part of the Mobile Film Resource Center which includes the International Mobil Film Festival™ in San Diego. Due to safety and security issues, many of the screenings were only locally announced. Capitalising on the vast amount of audiovisual material and the numerous hours of digital video recorded on mobile phones, the festival is the outcome of months of workshops and trainings inside Syria to teach young aspiring filmmakers how to edit their mobile phone footage into a fully-fledged documentary film. One of the reasons is that the front page of NRK. Start with a good story Storytelling online often begins the old fashioned way, with pen and post-its. Vertical filming – our three options After a great deal of research and hunting cases, the preparations for the recording started. From here I have to reach helipad to go out of the state. On desktop the videos start by themselves, but you have to turn on the sound by yourself. Online and social media platforms offer a means for participation, collaboration and distribution or dissemination that was unimaginable even a decade ago. Huge Savings in terms of production budget. We had also experimented with some clips in untraditional formats, like this spring when we did a mini documentary on the priests in Lofoten. It is also known for its famous pilgrimage destinations named as Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath, Badrinath and Hemakund sahib. The result is a groundbreaking and terrifyingly realistic account of Britain being plunged into darkness. It was unplanned and I didn’t carry Tripod. Community Stories is a year-round program created by S. Used collaboratively to capture unique moments, camera phones can give us a window on the world, and as time goes by, a window on the past. The film was selected by a panel of judges and was presented as a documentary film. These people are easy to disarm. He said he did not encounter any. The developers solved this by placing the videos to the left of the screen, while they filled the right side with a nice, big quote. It’s mined in the eastern Congo. Here are the first attempts to shape our story. One evening while spending time with pilgrims and Army people, I got an idea that I make a good documentary on this rescue mission and also a wonderful opportunity to make a realistic documentary. I reached helipad and saw thousands of people of all ages are waiting for their turn to go home. I was stranded near Gangotri. One of the downsides with recording like this is that the camera (Canon C300) and the camera gear are not very well suited to be turned over. Video journalist Gry Karstad tests the gear before an unusual shoot. After some time the weather turned bad and devastation occurred. When Britain suffers a catastrophic nationwide power failure, members of the public record what they can on cameras and phones. Now it remains to be seen if people prefer to scroll through the story with a keyboard or their thumb. In: Interactive Media Arts Conference (IMAC), Re-new Digital Arts Festival 2012, November 19-24 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. Blood Coltan exposes the web of powerful interests protecting this blood trade. A good story is needed to make a good documentary, so this is where we started. There’s blood in this machine. Shiva Prasad has a wonderful story to share with us. The downside with cropping images in post, ist that the quality deteriorates. Option 2: Film horizontally and crop the image Another option would be to crop the horizontal images to vertical images. There's blood in this device because your mobile contains tiny electronic circuits, and they couldn't work without mineral called COLTAN. Put together it made a nice little rack we could attach to the camera. The ubiquitous mobile phone offers the means of production. Full text not available from this repository. Even full-length films are being shot on mobile devices — Oldboy director Chan-wook Park's Paranmanjang will soon be released in movie theaters, for example. You can watch the documentary by following this link. Okay so what were the limitations of using a mobile phone’s camera? Meet the powerful warlords who enslave local population and the European businessmen who continue importing Coltan, in defiance of the UN. This meant there was no way around vertical images. The project aims to provide a democratic framework for a community vision to develop, exploring the rich diversity and vibrancy of life around the world. With reference to Dziga Vertov’s seminal 1929 documentary film ‘Man with a Movie Camera’, the aim is for the videos to document the cities, the people that live there and their daily lives. Luckily the NRK-workshop came to the rescue (Yes, we have our own workshop at the NRK headquarters). Amro was at home when the feared secret police arrived at his house. But a neighbour who looked down from his balcony saw him, and started shouting to the police. We wanted the content to work on mobile. There's blood in this machine. Armed with our mobile devices and camera phones we all have the potential to document everyday reality and ordinary life as we wander the modern city. I prayed to God for my survival and he answered my prayers. Making documentaries in vertical format has meant technical, practical and creative challenges. How handy it is to have a phone with a camera in your pocket when something erupts right in front of you or around you? Easy for filming and compatible with all professional formats. This is what we learned. Short films are, too. A true documentarian with journalistic flair capturing footage of a tsunami taking place in his homeland, the Himalayas. Think of it as a fancy article, where we in addition to the the vertical videos serve still images and short texts that take you through the story. Five years ago, residents and cottage owners got a shock: Their beloved mountain hotel would be turned into a refugee centre. Who is your best friend when everyone is mad at you? Every video was placed in our feature template. We apply captions to every video, so they can work without sound. We in the West need only to throw the resorces toawards disarmement and policing and help the people mine their resource and build their countriues infrastructure. When it comes to showcasing a mobile film, since that is a big part of filmmaking, we asked Shiva Prasad if he realized he would be able to showcase his film on a big screen in a film festival. Now Syria has had its first Mobile Phone Films Festival screened throughout the country and abroad. In other words, all the reactions you can find around the country today, when when Norway is to greet thousands of refugees. There’s blood in this device because your mobile contains tiny electronic circuits, and they couldn’t work without mineral called COLTAN. As the country descends into anarchy, a cast of ordinary characters struggle to feed and protect themselves and their families. Meet the powerful warlords who enslave local population and the European businessmen who continue importing Coltan, in defiance of the UN. Even when my turn came Ii refused and preferred to be stay and film it. What about the widescreen? All points of view are welcome. Shiva had no prior experience with filmmaking either behind the camera or editing video. I had so much fear. About a third of our users watch the web-documentaries on desktop. There is blood here, the blood of Congolese who are dying in a terrible conflict. This is how the videos look on the wide screen. Andersen) One thing does not change, no matter which way we hold our phone. We examined three options more closely.

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