Listview with images android

"Listview with images android"

Now that we have the listview row item, it's time for us to show these items as a list, i. Read how to optimize it below in this post. The configuration defined in this file shall serve as the background for the listview row item that we will define shortly. This is explained in the next section. For most applications, you want to create an interface that is more graphically rich and visually pleasing to the user. Basically to have an effect similar to this: To link the styling information defined in the gradient_bg. Sets this adapted list data as the data source to the Listview. To define gradient style create three new XML files under drawable folder and name them as gradient_bg. Android Custom ListView with Image and Text using Volley This is a tutorial about customizing listview with an image and text. The binding is immediate if the image is found in the cache and will be done asynchronously otherwise. And lastly invokes a new sample activity upon selecting a particular item from the list by packaging the required parameters in an Intent. If you notice the screen shots I designed listview with gradient background. First Learn How to Display Image in ListView : Output of Android Custom ListView with Image in emulator : B. Name the file as weatherdata. Optimize ListView for many rows If we have many rows in our ListView then it will not show images smoothly when scrolling. You can play around by having different contents inside a list row item. We are good to go. Now open your MainActivity class and type the following code. Here is the screen shot of ListView. File ? New Project 2. Also explained how to design listview with your custom styles and colors instead of using default listview style. Read below how to populate data dynamically from the external source. Now that we have defined the styling and background highlighting information in a file, we shall create the actual layout for our customized listview row item. Creating Customized List View Item Layout Now that we have created an Android project and an empty UI, we are going to fill it with our customized list (each listview item having an image and a text) inside the layout. When a list item is clicked it shows a Toast that it is clicked. SampleActivity class This class gives the detailed overview of the Weather information for the selected city (as selected from the WeatherData activity). The XML Data Source Let's assume we have created an empty Android project ' WeatherDisplay ' with the default activity file as WeatherActivity. To display the weather information (Cloudy, Rainy, etc. Add Permissions in AndroidManifest. ImageView ( list_image ). Create the layout as list_single. Now open your main. Create a new XML file under layout folder and name it as list_row. The Sample XML For this tutorial I am using following sample XML which has some data and a thumbnail image url. Create a new java class file in your src folder. Next we define a array imageId to store the Image Id. Now that we have completed designing the custom ListView item, our next job is to parse the data source weatherdata. Here we used function ImageDownloader. Now we are ready to create a custom Adapter. Creating the Custom List View Row Item Let us custom design a listview which contains an image on the left side (weather icon), arrow at the right hand side and Information (City name and weather information) at the center. Android XML File Name the file as list_row. To display the name of the City TextView ( tvCondition ). Next step is to parse the xml and update the data into listview. Check the following image list_row. Here you will learn to create your own custom adapter with the help of an ArrayAdapter. The activity does mainly two things: Parsing of the XML data and filling in an appropriate list to be later bound to a ListView : Binds the data read by parser and updates the same to the corresponding UI elements (i. BinderData class This class is responsible for binding the data content for each listview row item, i. Create a class to store data about Product. Find all sources for this example on Github Gist or download the full project from Github. Using the Code i. Create new project in your Eclipse IDE and fill all the details. Make sure you have properly setup the Android SDK, AVD for Testing the Application. Note: This activity shall be registered in the AndroidManifest. Run the application on your Android emulator or best deploy it on your smartphone to see the desired listview customized according to your needs. Place the XML file under the assets folder of the WeatherDisplay android project. Here I have created the layout as TableLayout with ImageView and TextView in a Row. TextView and ImageButton ). Main Layout file (main. Right Click on src ? New ? Class and name it as LazyAdapter. This happens because for the rendering of each row it creates a new view and it takes every graphic component from it. Now before we try to display something extraordinary flashy on the UI, we need a data source at the first place. The default look and feel of the Android ListView is not very appealing as it only renders a simple string in every ListView row using the internal TextView control. So that a highlighting effect is achieved on the listview based on the user selection and de-selection. Main Activity Here, we populate the list with some data manually in the code. Consider reading the more efficient solution which uses Volley library to achieve the same. This would yield as what we are trying to achieve, i. Next custom list adapter is displayed. In this tutorial I explained how to load images from remote url and update into listview. Do not call findViewById() frequently during scrolling Your code might call findViewById() frequently during the scrolling of ListView, which can slow down performance. So what we are going to do is convert the plain and boring ListView something like this: to a stunning customized list. These operations are costly in terms of memory and cpu. The parameters passed from the WeatherActivity class via an Intent is received and are set to the corresponding widgets (i. This class shall inculcate ViewHolder pattern to optimize ListViews. Below is the main layout file which contains the listview. I used RelativeLayout as parent node and placed all the remaining items using relative positioning properties. For this tutorial I am using some of the classes from this link. So now that we have defined different selection backgrounds, we shall use this style information and link this information on to the listview row item we have planned to create. This class provides caching and asynchronious downloading of images. In the following code I am getting xml from url and parsing it. Read more about it here. WeatherActivity class This is the main activity that is invoked when the weather information application is started. Next step is to design single listrow. I am giving the code for each class at the end of the article. I have used RelativeLayout as parent node and placed all the remaining items using relative positioning properties. Next step is to create MainActivity. In order to display a series of data you can use ListView. We shall make use of SAX Parsers to parse the weather data XML file. Until now we completed designing part of the listview. In this example we will show a list of products with image and title in ListView. For real-world commercial mobile applications, the first thing that strikes the user is the User Interface of the mobile application. Right Click ? New ? Android XML File In this tutorial I custom designed a listview which contains an image on leftside, time and arrow at the right end and a title in middle. Also the thumbnail image has white background, for this I used image_bg. Background The ListView control supplied by the Android SDK is by default simple, plain and definitely boring. TextView and ImageView elements) with the help of BinderData class. Each product object contains title and image specifying by URL. This tutorial presents an Android listview with images example. As explained earlier, we would want something like this: Before we go ahead with creating the basic skeleton of the layout, let us also create a couple of files each defining a suitable gradient background (based on selection) to achieve that flashy highlighting effect. While parsing I am storing all the xml data into HashMap and finally I am passing HashMap to LazyAdapter class. Figure 3: Application Details 4. For the sake of simplicity, let us take this simple XML data source which shall contain the weather information of few well known cities of the world. Paste the following code inside the file: As seen from the above file, we have defined the following UI controls in the layout file to achieve the desired customization.

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