The folder structure for the android

"The folder structure for the android"

The Folde structure of Android application project is shown like below diagram. If you are use any third party library files those are also stored into this folder. Every Android project structure includes the following list of subfolders. Java is an auto-generated file indexing all the resources of the project. Additionally you gain compile-time safety that the resource you want to use really exisits. Partitions As said, Android makes use of multiple partitions. Normally not a folder you touch when working with the platform for a target. Cts - the compatability tests. I moved all files to the appropriate folder. Beyond the above you also have the hidden. Basically what you will get (based on the current Ice Cream Sandwich release), in alphabetical order: Bionic - the C-runtime for Android. All developers are advised to migrate to it, as the ADT Eclipse plugin will not be maintained and updated, and as of now, it is no longer supported. This Folder Structure info surely helped me! Here is the syntax to reference resource in XML file. That will show you how to add APIs to Android without having to modify the core framework. Let's find out more. Here you will find the implementation of key services such as the System Server with the Package - and Activity managers. In Eclipse, you had workspaces with a number of projects and library projects in them. The manifest presents general information about the application to the Android operating system. Often this information is expressed through XML files. The folder contains a few subfolders and various XML files, mostly filled with internal IntelliJ IDEA information and general settings. Eclipse workspaces and Android Studio projects Android Studio changes the terminology a bit. And finally My ALARMS, RINGTONES and NOTIFICATIONS all come up in the appropriate menus and play as I've assigned. This gives the application root privileges. For example, A file that contains data in a proprietary format for consumption on the device. Many libraries no longer need to be copied into your workspace. You can learn more about Android Manifest file here. Opening the project view reveals the typical structure of an Android project: it is analogous to the structure of most Java projects. Snoop into the manifest file A manifest file is required for every Android application. I pushed 2 folders over from my computer and I added a lone track to this folder. Open the newly created file color. The manifest also declares the entry point in the code for the operating system to launch the application along with permissions the application requires from the user and lists system components it relies upon. Each of the two folders with the whole album title are here but they just show a DVD icon, and the lone track is the third. Open the Project View By default, the project view is collapsed to the left edge. You can add more packages for your application e. If you have your own additions you could automatically track them by adding a local manifest here. Examples include the cross compilations toolchains for different development machines. Snoop into code-related folders The source code (activities and other helper classes) are located under the src folder; resources are grouped under the res folder. Now we will discuss about each individual folder in the folder structure. No more hunting for Android support library JARs in the SDK folders, and no more manual Eclipse project opening nightmare. These files have references to various resources placed in the application. A UI layout file is ultimately an XML file that you can edit manually in IntelliJ IDEA or, better yet, edit through the integrated graphical designer. Our focus here in this chapter is how to use resources in layout. The lone track has album art. The two other files in the project are AndroidManifest. So sorting albums will be a breeze! The main modules of the Android application is Source File Resource File Manifest File 1. Add Images Adding image resource in Android application is bit simpler than other resources. Application properties The manifest declares the package name and version as well as the version of the minimal Android SDK required for a device to run the application. Copy the image in appropriate folder and default image should be in Drawable folder Copy the button_bg. Out - the build output will be placed here after you run make. An important file here is the envsetup. Basically all the class files of android application will store into this folder. Contains the sources for the Android version of the Linux kernel. It is not required when referencing resources from the same package. However, there still might be deviations made by some manufacturers. In the file system, they are represented by "directories", which serve as their mount-points: ? Details below ? virtual file systems ? these might differ. These filters describe where and when that activity can be started. Bootable - boot and startup related code. A layout resource is a key resource used in Android UI programming. Save the file and run the application. This information is essential for the operating system to run the application. In Android Studio, this becomes a project with a number of modules and library modules. We will learn about different types of layout in Android in next chapters. The folder contains all the source files that make up the application. Android studio by default adds values in string. Add Color Resource Now define some color resources. In Android, the view of the screen loaded from an XML files as a resource. Note that Android is not using glibc like most Linux distributions. Some of it is legacy, the fastboot protocol info could be interesting since it is implemented by boot loaders in a number of devices such as the Nexus ones. This folder is used to store raw asset files. The primary reason for isolating resources in a folder is for the ease of localization. That is the minimal Linux system that is started before the Dalvik VM and any java based services are enabled. In Eclipse, the package Explorer expands the HelloAndroid project so that it resembles the following figure. Build - the build system implementation including all the core make file templates. The Terminal is similar to the Windows Command Prompt. A raw asset file could be one of many assets you may need for the application to work. Device - product specific code for different devices. Snoop into resource folders The res folder contains all external resources used by the application such as images, layout files, strings, menus, and any other auxiliary information that may be useful. Enter the file name as " color. The manifest must be an XML file named AndroidManifest. Dalvik - the source code for the implementation of the Dalvik Virtual Machine Development - projects related to development such as the source code for the sdk and ndk tools. You can have as many levels of subfolders under the src folder as you like to better reflect structure and complexity of the application. There might be a similar directory on your SD card, mostly used by apps with larger amounts of data. It also holds the manifest specifying what git repositories you want to track for this Android source project. This is the one of the best use of resources that can use in different location that gives easy to use, update facility same as CSS (Cascade Style Sheet). I also get things here from Dolphin HD. This is the place to find hardware modules for the different Nexus devices, build configurations and more. If you were to create an application that had its own dictionary for word lookups, you may want to bundle this dictionary into the project by placing the dictionary file in the assets directory. In code file use the R class to access the resource. This prevents the application from being installed on unsupported devices. The MP4 480x360 video looks and sounds great!! Running this script in a shell will enable commands to setup environment variables, build specific modules and grep in source code files. The images, string, layout file should be separate from the code, because it allows you to provide resources that supports specific devices configuration such as different languages, screen size etc. Run the following commands in the Terminal to install the rest of the tools required to edit Android kernels: sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2. Add the style for heading in this file. R class contains the static subclasses for each resource type and in that class you can get specific resource. Add the two linear layout and TextView inside to each layout for the two Titles. Names do not have to be exactly like: 2. If you are developing application in the Eclipse your application will have some extra folders which are not available when you work in Android Studio. System - source code files for the core Android system. The test suite to ensure that a build complies with the Android specification. Android Supports a number of different kinds of resources files, including XML, PNG and JPEG files. The folder is expected to contain all class libraries (. A lot of the mapping between the java application APIs and the native libraries is also done here. This folder can have several menus in application. Resources are externalized from source code, and XML files are compiled into a binary, fast loading format for efficiency reasons. Other folders include bin, libs and referenced libraries. It is the most important file in the android application and every application must have an AndroidManifest. Directories Here I again will concentrate on the partitions which are most interesting (or this answer would get far too long and, for most readers, boring. In the second title the only difference is the background of the Linear Layout is image. As a developer, you need to edit the manifest file manually for two main reasons: when you add a new activity to your codebase and when you need to access programmatically functions that require permissions such as local storage, sensors, and Internet. General properties of the project are available instead in the AndroidManifest. Resources are external files(non-code files) that are used by your code and compiled into your application at build time. Android has Asset Manager which can return all the assets currently in the assets directory. My Ally responds perfectly to these folders and to sub-folders inside of these listed. The drawable folder contains all of the images you reference from within the application. I hope it helps you too. In Previous chapters we have used layout resource in every example. This includes the application's icon, the splash-screen image as well as any other images you use to embellish the user interface. If you really want to go into details, this site might not be the best fitting place (as we deal with end-user questions -- and end-users normally don't touch these things). In my answer, I will concentrate on the mentioned "common base". My question is about phone memory and SD card as well. Android version(such as Android 2. This chapter focuses on the folder structure of the Android Studio. The Android system picks the image from folder that matched the density of the device otherwise it picks default folder. Your project folder will be neat and clean, and really only contain your own code. I will leave out some minor directories and dig deeper into a couple of the important ones. You can simply drag-and-drop. Copy the image into the Drawable folder. An important thing to mention of this file are its so called IntentFilters. You can also define menu items through code but preferred way is to create using XML. The values folder contains XML files that declare strings, graphical styles, and colors. There are many drawable folders drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, and drawable-hdpi which contain the images for different density. Packages - contains the source code for the default applications such as contacts, calendar, browser. Here is the syntax to use resource in your code file. Add new string resources in the string. For example the MainActivity. Above list is far from being complete, but should hold the most important partitions. Strings are compressed into a more efficient storage form. Here is short version of what you will find when you download the Android source. As for the directories contained, I will again concentrate on a selection; most things here you either cannot touch without having your device rooted. The benefit of resource pre-processing is that the resource is abstracted to a generic id which enables the underlying Android platform to serve the most appropriate version of that resource based on languages, OS versions, and screen size or orientation. My question is about phone memory and SD card as well. The menu folder contains the definition of menus to be used by the application. It contains project settings such as build target. Here the orange color resource is being used for the background. It contains a special class ‘R’ which contains all these references. Frameworks - this folder is essential to Android since it contains the sources for the framework. A menu is expressed as an XML files and consists of a list of items each of which indicates a unique id, a reference to a string in the values folder and reference to an icon in the drawable folder. This includes the source code for the init process and the default init. The layout folder contains layout files used to define the structure of views. This folder also contains the reference radio interface layer (to communicate with the modem side) implementation. If one wants a reference to an image placed in drawable folders, it will be referred as, R. In this folder you will find the source for the c-library, math and other core runtime libraries. Android studio places all the modules in the src folder. Prebuilt - contains files that are distributed in binary form for convenience. I found the below information VERY, VERY helpful! Use Resources in the Layout file It is easy to access the resources in the XML and code file. Many third party libraries can be included in the same way with Gradle, which saves a lot of clutter. Instead the c-library is called bionic and is based mostly on BSD-derived sources. They contain the java code of the application. Android allows to adding images for different size or density of the screens. The main difference with the res folder is that any content placed in assets is not going to be pre-processed by the Android framework as it happens with strings and images and any content in res. You use this class in your source code as a sort of short-hand way to refer to resources you have included in your project. This is an optional folder also aimed at storing resources. The string resource provides the strings for your application. The content in assets is provided as-is and the developer is responsible for reading it programmatically. This file is integral to the project. Under the res folder there are usually the following subfolders: drawable. This is where you will find the images used by the emulator to start (or to be downloaded and flashed to a device if you are building for a hardware target). This particularly powerful with the code-completion features of IDEs like Eclipse because it lets you quickly and interactively locate the specific reference you are looking for. I assume PODCASTS is the same but I have none to which I subscribe. See the XML below. Hardware - hardware related source code such as the Android hardware abstraction layer specification and implementation. The XML files have very different formats depending on what they describe. External - contains source code for all external open source projects such as SQLite, Freetype and webkit. All the graphical element, string and layout of application exists one of the sub folder of the res.

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