Worms on android review

"Worms on android review"

This doesn’t speak well to the long-term viability of the online game, but it’s still good that the option is there. In Body Count mode you get awarded points based on how many kills you perform. Each time the main complaint was the control system, so when I downloaded the game I was anticipating having to put in a load of effort to understand how to make my worms move and fire. Yep – our fair planet would be a pot-holed wasteland filled with explosions and death, the landscape gradually whittled away to nothing by high-level explosive ordnance. Online is perfectly functional, but the slow pace of the game can be a little wearying when you can’t smack-talk your opponent or share in simultaneous joy and anguish of a well-placed hit. These are all the weapons you can use in Worms for Android. With the Worms franchise, this started a year before the original Half-Life was released, started again around the time the XBox 360 launched, and ended today. The object of Death Worm is to kill as many people, tanks, aircraft, and animals as possible as you play through each level. And, yes, it's more of the same. Extremely addictive gameplay and atmosphere! The soundtrack and sound effects for the surface dwellers remind me a lot of Grand Theft Auto and add to the similarities between Death Worm and that game. In Air Defense the object of the game is to kill as many aerial units as possible by throwing crates at them when surfacing with your death worm. Half the worm it went on to be This Android version is essentially a conversion of the 2009 iPhone game, but it’s a very slick one. Armageddon ’s greatest ambition is to deliver the best version of the old-school Worms formula, and in that it is a great success and a perfect Android debut. Some of these require a great deal of finesse, while others are an almost sure-fire hit. A great job has been done. Now we have Worms 3. Those old hands may not be quite as convinced but this app remains worthy of a download for purely nostalgic purposes. Not entirely sure we want to take the risk, to be honest. The little niggles such as the lack of internet multiplayer and the license issue only come together to deduct one point from this game. EA and Team17 have done a really great job here. There are two different mini-games in Death Worm. Since its debut on the Amiga in 1995, the Worms series has become flagship for Team17, sometimes to the exclusion of all else. Old women stumble around the ragged terrain before exploding, sheep bound around with a gleeful baa, and homing pigeons dart in on their targets. This is an unlockable deck of different buffs and boosts that you can play at the start and end of your turn. Explosions yield a satisfying impact, sending your enemies (and sometimes your allies) sailing through the air. As you begin to kill off the police footmen squad cars and tanks are summoned. Once you’ve said your thanks, whip out that Android handset. Your one goal is to wipe out the opposing teams before they do the same to you. The graphics for Death Worm are excellent and look just as good on a phone as on a tablet. Death Worm puts you, the player, in the body of an giant underground worm rampaging through cities, jungles, and deserts across the globe. You build your own team of four, so it's up to you to select the balance. Each has a specific tactical use and comes with its own set of benefits and limitations. The Experience Despite a series of dalliances in 3D, Worms still thrives best in two good old fashioned dimensions. Users can play through the app in its single player and multiplayer forms with those going solo met by a pleasing array of Quick Game, Body Count and Challenge modes with which to test their warfare skills. Depending on your eyesight this may or may not be a problem for you. Its humour is that little bit funnier when you're sat with a friend, and its unruly chaos is always worth sharing. As you play through a campaign more and more enemies spawn for each round. No such luck I am afraid. In the grand scheme of things, that might not sound very exciting, but it’s the little night crawlers’ first go-round on the Android, and it’s a fitting entrance. Hell, even the graphics are still pretty similar. In this mode you can select the landscape style, crate rate, and amount of mines as well. The other power up, Nitro, which gives your Death Worm a temporary speed boost. Worms 3 is a Worms game through and through, then - a proud showcase of nearly two decades of iteration and ridiculous bombs. Fantastic graphics both on phone and tablet devices! Over the years, the series has added new weapons, more players, and online multiplayer, but the core formula hasn’t changed much. Far from it, in fact. I also noticed no loss in detail or color on my HTC Thunderbolt or Galaxy Tablet. Worms has finally arrived on the big G-phone, and it’s as incendiary as ever. If you want to know what the world would be like if they did, just play any one of the Worms games released over the past 16 years. Thanks goodness worms don’t have opposable thumbs. I ask that you ignore them and trust me instead. A variety of buttons let you select your weapons, choose your equipment, jump around the scenery, and fire whatever piece of death-bringing ordnance you have equipped. Played on both a Samsung Galaxy S and a Motorola Milestone, everything moves smoothly, the graphics positively pop from the screen and load times are reasonable. These enemies become of a greater and greater variety as you keep playing. The detail, colors, and resolution of the graphics were great! Some of these items can be used as much as you like, but most are limited use items, and making the most of your stockpile is the key to the game’s strategy. This makes it much easier for the death worm to destroy aircraft in the higher reaches of space or to destroy multiple aircraft at a time. Spongy Pink Warfare Since 1995, the Worms series has documented an ongoing armed conflict between two war-ravaged nations of nightcrawlers. The level generation, style, and items should also feel familiar. Therefore this ability is extremely useful for trials where you need to kill a certain amount of enemies without taking damage, or while on a time trial run. The cards encourage experimentation, letting you think up innovative ways to score a kill. Not a wonderful tradeoff. You can earn achievements for killing a certain number of humans, vehicles, or animals. When the tanks and squad cars prove no match helicopters and bombers are called in and so on. Playing with friends and strangers is what the Worms experience is all about, and Worms 3 is, inevitably, no exception. There’s no tutorial to walk you through the unique properties of each of these, so you’ll have to experiment in-game with the clock ticking down, which can be pretty intimidating. You do this by guiding the Death Worm up from underneath the ground and jumping through the dirt above ground and attacking the things on the surface. Beating levels gets you coins, which in turn can be spent on ridiculous worm accessories for your collection. I think the controls are great considering that most devices only have a touchscreen for input, and no hardware tactile keys like a Playstation, DS, or Computer. You control your worms with a D-pad in the bottom-left corner or, if you prefer, by tapping on the screen. While Worms on Android comes a little late in the day, and finds itself still lacking online multiplayer and still not quite at home on touchscreen, it’s a fine conversion of a timeless classic. The idea of being able to play Worms online with other people was fantastic. Still, we can only judge what’s put in front of us. However, I must extend a warning to tablet users! The higher your kill score, the better you did! Even more worrying, the game often has trouble locating opponents to play, even shortly after the game’s launch when one would think usage would be at its peak. Not too many different single player campaigns at launch, more to be added. This combined with the achievements and leader boards keeps you coming back for more. Write your own review of Worms 2: Armageddon. Scientists regenerate health for the team, for example, while heavies are slow but incredibly powerful. Still, you might have thought that, on Android, networked multiplayer may have been implemented. In Super Dash the object is to progress as far through the level as you can as quickly as you can without dying. Death Worm is an incredibly enjoyable arcade action game! Mines are also laid across the terrain; in custom games the crate drop rate and amount of mines in the game can be set to low, medium, or high. Some favourites are definitely in there. However, there is nothing other than that which would justify giving the game a higher rating. Those new to the warzone will be pleased with the depth and entertainment they find waiting for them. Multiplayer is every bit as important to the franchise as rocket powered livestock. Power ups drop when you score combo kills while attacking the surface creatures. If you're not a fan of the series then you'll remain unimpressed, but if you're after another portable version of the invertebrate battler you should give it a look. This is achieved by selecting from a large arsenal of weapons – some fairly grounded (like the shotgun) and some way out there (like the Street Fighter - inspired fireball) – and utilising them in turn-based combat. This annoys me immensely. There are a couple of twists to the formula this time around. On WiFi or 3G this is unnoticeable, and on Edge or HSPDA it takes about 15 seconds. Knocking worms into the water below nets an instant kill, and a close-range shove can sometimes be enough to take out a precariously positioned foe. This was addressed in a sequel on iPhone, but that just makes us wish that Team 17 and EA had skipped to that all-round superior version (which isn’t exactly brand-new itself). The enemy worms are replaced every now and then, though. Worms 2: Armageddon is a port of the 12 th game in a series that is now up to around 16 or 17. Single Player Several game types have been incorporated into the Single Player mode. Worms 2: Armageddon may not reinvent the series or imbue it with new life, but it doesn’t have to. Some Samung Galaxy Tab users have complained in the Android Market review thread too. Luckily, there’s a single-player campaign to work through, which is good to get players ready for multiplayer battles. A few new weapons have been added for the app like Spartan Kick and The Brick but, even at this stage of the series, the joy of exploding a perfectly hurled Holy Bomb remains unparalleled. However I was soon disappointed! Many of the weapons, such as the default rocket launcher, require you to judge the distance and location of your target as well as the wind direction in order to score a direct hit. Unlike other similar games, you can scooch your worms left and right, hop, and even backflip. You can also earn achievements for beating the various stages or earning specific score on endless mode or the mini-games. Concluding Thoughts My thoughts on this game? Each entry has seen new layers of polish, essential tweaking under the bonnet, and the introduction of ever-more ridiculous ways to murder the other team of invertebrates. I suppose the first stop in this review should be pointing out how the Android version compares to the PC and console versions we all grew to love over the years. You take control of a small team of cartoonishly violent wrigglers in a series of randomly generated, fully deformable 2D arenas. The Worms game series, with its turn-based 2D gameplay and hyper-destructive warfare, is amongst the most famous and popular ever created on PC or console; most people have played it at some point in their lives. The destructible terrain is also included, as well as the famous Worms voices. Despite growing predictable, Worms remains the undisputed king of the turn-based artillery genre. Both online and same-device modes are included, and it's here that the carnage feels meatiest, and your missed shots and perfect hits feel all the more cheer-worthy. If I am on GPRS or in any area with weak internet, the game refuses start up and hangs on the mini-credits or loading screen. There are two types of power ups: fireballs and nitro. I imagine this because it’s not even easy for us reviewers to find the words to make these games exciting, even when they are still genuinely good. The turn-based combat game will be perfect for networked multiplayer on mobiles, thanks to not being dependent on a perfect ping rate to make it playable. The warmongering invertebrates have thoroughly engaged me since I downloaded the game. Some of the AI is a little on the wonky side too. Sometimes, the computer controlled player will unleash a trick shot worthy of recording, while at other times it'll blast a hole under its feet and fall to its death in some water below. Armageddon ’s arsenal is like a Worms series greatest hits. I will say that the lack of an in-game tutorial for total newbs baffled me. But how well does the sixteen-year-old series adapt to small screens and touch controls? IAPs explained There's only one IAP in Worms 3. The Android incarnation of this turn-based classic is the same as ever with its classic weaponry and tongue-in-cheek humour barely changed from the summer of 1999 when we last played Worms Armageddon to death. Nitro also helps you to destroy aircraft easily, but what Nitro is most important for is destroying enemies in combos without being damaged. It's a nice change of pace, and gives you a chance to think about the battle in a slightly different way. One is Super Dash and the other is Air Defense. The soundtrack to Death Worm is completely epic and there is great sound effects for kills during the game. But in the end that's the chief reason you're buying a Worm s game, and Worms 3 doesn't disappoint. Instead of an informative video tutorial, EA plumped for a ropey slideshow explaining how to navigate your wriggling creatures across the battlefield. If you are a fan of the Worms series or like turn-based strategy games in general, I suggest you go and download this. Unfortunately, the game still suffers for its lack of online multiplayer. Much of the onus of trying out different forms of warfare is on you, though. The game currently features three playable stages, two mini-games, leader boards, an achievement system, and the graphics are magnificent on both phones and tablets. You can play up to three cards a turn, using the bonuses to your advantage. Wriggley’s double-barrelled shotgun Most gamers will know the score, but if this is your first encounter with Worms it’ll take a bit of explaining. Still, Team 17 has made the classic Worms formula play reasonably comfortably on a touchscreen device. This adds some much needed longevity to what is a basic pickup and play title. For the uninitiated, Worms is an evolution of the classic Artillery Duel that grandpa gamers might recall from gaming’s Stone Age. The game is designed to keep you playing. The more you play the game the more challenging the levels become and the more abilities you have for your Death Worm. When you initially begin destroying and ravaging the surface dwellers with your death worm the police come on foot. As you progress through each level you will collect power ups and upgrades to assist the Death Worm in surviving and dealing death to the things on the surface. Death Worm also allows you to upgrade your worm and increase his speed, size, and the effectiveness of his special abilities. This is still a good feature of course, since bus, car, and plane trips now have the bonus of Worms games. Worms for Android’s touch controls have benefited from the tweaking that’s taken place since the iPhone version’s release, although it can still be a little fiddly getting your worm to jump to higher ground at times. An all-heavy team might seem like a good idea, but a bad positional drop will leave you with a lot of sitting ducks. Alternatively you can run a Practice Match: in this mode you are given unlimited uses of all the weapons available in the game, and the enemy worms will not attack you at all. The Challenges game type is a simple set of increasingly difficult games you unlock one after the other. There's a Survival mode as well, which sees you facing off against waves of increasingly tough worms. This license check process seems unnecessary Performance I think that Worms requires less powerful hardware than one may suspect. In fact the way the enemies spawn reminds me a bit of Grand Theft Auto for the original Playstation. WarGames fans may be interested to know that you can make the phone play itself. Still, why should the game need to ping back to do a license check. The aim of the game is simple - wipe out your opponent before she does the same to you. Striking a balance is key, and working out how you play helps immensely. Fun Factor: Death Worm is extremely fun to play on all devices. Not that Team17 has been resting on its laurels in the near two-decade lifespan of the franchise. The developer is also promising more mini-games, more stages, and more new options in future versions so this is a game that will only get better with time! While using Nitro it is almost impossible for the Death Worm to be damaged by enemy fire since he is moving at a much faster rate than bullets. The local “hot seat” option is works very well with the turn-based gameplay, and seems like the most fun way to play. Addictive: Death Worm is extremely addictive. It’s a turn-based affair, where teams of tiny worms, armed to the teeth, arc projectiles toward each other until none are left standing. War With Strangers Every played Mario Party by yourself? I hope that this is a feature EA and Team17 work to implement. Worms 2 offers both local and online multiplayer. Familiar to the Fans? Endless mode, 3 single player campaigns, and 2 different mini-games! In other words: This game rules really hard. The arsenal of items available is massive, ranging from homing missiles to air strikes, as well as special use items like teleports and a jetpack. First, each of the worms on your team has a different role and skillset - there are Soldiers, Scouts, Scientists, and Heavies. Friends with invertebrates It's with the multiplayer that Worms 3 really finds its feet. The game concept is easy to learn and the controls are simple. While the tone is light-hearted and the action rambunctious, Worms requires considerable skill and forethought to play properly. With the various modes of game play, leader boards, and achievements it is no wonder that this game is as popular as it is on Android Market. Death Worm is a fast paced arcade action game for Android phones and tablets. Your high scores are saved each time, so you have to strategize and take precautions more and more if you intend to best your previous score. Enemy AI is also surprisingly good and the physics engine is just as we remember it on the PlayStation, although we did admittedly forget about that peskily changeable wind until our own bazuka shot had reverted right back on us. Younger gamers might prefer to think of it as a competitive multiplayer Angry Birds. Death Worm also features an achievement system and leader boards which track your progress through gameplay. Multiplayer I got quite excited when I saw this option on the main menu. The other big change is the card system. The further you progress through each level the more challenging and fun the game becomes. If you get bored of one game style, next time you play you can switch to another. Modern worm-fare As ever, you're in control of a squad of four different worms, taking on an opposing force of wriggling invertebrates in turn-based battles of destruction. The increasing levels of difficulty and enemies makes you want to keep playing to score higher combos and create greater levels of destruction. Sacrifice the cookie with your Starbucks, and have this game accompany your coffee instead. Better yet, the game is just as smooth as a CPU match once you get down to business. Despite the sometimes slow pace, which hasn’t been altered for the mobile release, it looks great, controls well, and delivers the definitive Worms experience on the go; something no long-time fan of the series should be without. Unfortunately you are limited to shooting only as many fireballs as you have picked up so it is important to conserve the fireballs until needed. For 59 pence you are hardly risking much loss. A shotgun, for instance, is probably best for close encounters with solo enemies, while a banana bomb is good for groups at medium range. Devices similar in specification to the HTC Desire should be fine to run this game. If you are looking for a new action game to play on your Android this is it! Occasionally health and weapon crates fall from the heavens to help whichever team manages to grab them. It's a Golden Donkey that lets you skip campaign levels you're stuck on. One card, for example, lets you ignore fall damage, while another turns the ground into a slippery death trap. You will always be given two options of attributes to upgrade, but only one can be upgraded per round. There are more than 40 different items, each with their own behaviors. Despite the obvious hindrance this presents to instant multiplayer fun, once you figure out how to work the app yourself, all is just peachy. Before downloading the game I flicked through the Android Market reviews, and was surprised to see a bunch of 2 star or 3 star ratings. This is a series that hasn't really changed since its inception 18 years ago. Read on for the full review! Unique power ups and upgrades for your worm of death!

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